Monday, 3 April 2017

True Friend

Standing amid a million's crowd,

my eyes set upon one soul,

though not the prettiest among all seen.

Still my eyes rest upon thee.

His golden heart shining bright,

Compassion, love, selflessness I see,

whose hand at every step I seek,

whose smile brings a shimmer on my face,

& frown makes my heart sink.

His presence remains assured, be it joy or dismay.
He seeks the reason to every tear in my eyes.

He helps me in my every decision,

Posing serious as an elder

And is yet as playful, when I need him as a teddy.

A brother, a sister, a guardian, a teacher or a protector.

He plays any role I need him to play for me.

In times of crisis, he's the one

I never need to seek,

O 'True friend'

I know, you're always there for me.

Pain in my Heart!

Given my soul away

Given my heart away

Left with nothing to hold to

Why does it pain

When it hurts

When my heart isn't here any more?

If you hurt me and its your heart

pumping inside me

Why does it pain

when I'm the one getting hurt?